Clinical Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) Studies

Supporting in vivo DDI studies in clinical drug development through quantitative LC-MS/MS assays.

Drug-drug interactions (DDI) pose a significant safety risk in the development of new medicines.

With an aging global population and a corresponding rise in polypharmacy, incidences of harmful and potentially fatal side effects of DDIs are expected to increase.

This means it’s important to assess the potential DDIs during drug development and ensuring they are sufficiently characterized prior to market approval of medicines.

Reach out to us directly to learn more about Resolian’s services relating to Clinical Drug-Drug Interaction Studies.

In Vivo DDI Study Experience

Resolian’s LC-Bioanalysis department has considerable experience supporting in vivo DDI studies performed during the clinical phase of drug development.

  • Quantitation of investigational drug and single probe/inhibitor drug
  • PK parameter analysis
  • Partial validation to assess assay performance in presence of DDI probes/inhibitor drugs
  • Larger, complex studies assessing investigational drugs and multiple DDI probes/inhibitors across multiple cohorts

Resolian offers you a portfolio of in-house quantitative LC-MS/MS assays, with an emphasis on the probe drugs and inducers/inhibitors recommended in guidance issued by the EMA and FDA.  
Contact Resolian for the full list of non-proprietary methods.

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