Pharmacokinetics (PK) Urine Analysis

Whereas blood is collected for analysis at a discrete time point, urine is collected over periods of time known as collection intervals, for example 0-12 hours post dose, 12-24 hours post dose, and so on. The concentration of drug in urine is measured for each collection interval. If the total volume of urine in the collection interval is known, then the total amount of drug excreted during that collection interval can be calculated, with corrections made for specific gravity of urine, if required. These amounts can be summed to give the total amount of drug excreted in urine. This can be expressed as a fraction of total drug administered.

Typically, the amount of drug in each collection interval along with cumulative amounts of drug excreted are tabulated with appropriate descriptive statistics. Cumulative amounts may also be plotted against the mid-point of each collection interval.

Drug will often be metabolized and so the administered drug will be excreted as parent and / or metabolite(s). In this case the combined amounts of parent and metabolite (expressed as molar concentrations or corrected for molecular weight) will be tabulated.

Renal clearance is calculated as follows:

CLR = Ae / AUC

Where Ae is total amount of drug excreted in urine and AUC is the plasma AUC.

Metabolic clearance may be calculated by subtracting renal clearance from total clearance.

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Zhiyang Zhao, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer

Zhiyang Zhao, Ph.D., serves as Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) at Resolian. Dr. Zhao has over 30 years of pharmaceutical industry experience with special focus on drug metabolism and bioanalysis of small and large molecules in drug discovery and development. Dr. Zhao has previously held positions at Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Amgen. Before joining Resolian in 2015, Dr. Zhao served as Site Director of Preclinical Research at Amgen in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for over a decade. 

Currently, Dr. Zhao serves as an Adjunct Professor at the Eshelman School of Pharmacy of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and as Editor-in-Chief of Drug Metabolism & Bioanalysis Letters, a journal by Bentham Science, which publishes in all areas of drug metabolism and bioanalysis. Dr. Zhao received his Ph.D. degree in Medicinal Chemistry from Virginia Polytechnic and State University (popularly known as Virginia Tech) in Blacksburg, Virginia. 

Patrick Bennett

Chief Executive Officer

Patrick Bennett has over 35 years of experience in pharmaceutical analysis and laboratory management. Now CEO at Resolian, Patrick’s experience includes the roles of Strategic Marketing Director for Pharma with Thermo Fisher Scientific, LabCorp, and Vice President of Strategy and Development with PPD. 

Patrick earned a B.S. degree in Toxicology and a M.S. degree in Pharmacology from the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health at St. John’s University and an M.B.A in International Marketing from the Martin J. Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University.