Malvern Lab

Founded in 2007

The Malvern PA site provides GxP bioanalytical services as well as experienced DMPK sciences.

Lab Description

The Malvern site employs around 170 scientists operating from 3,500 square meters of purpose-built, state-of-the-art analytical labs.

Located strategically accessible to the Philadelphia R&D hub as well as the greater mid-Atlantic area.

Resolian Bioanalytics Malvern
17 Lee Boulevard, Malvern, PA 19355, United States

Tel: 610-296-3152

Unique Site-specific Expertise

  • Large molecule (LBA & LC-MS) bioanalysis (including ADCs and oligonucleotides)
  • qPCR
  • Immunogenicity (ADA & nAb)
  • In vitro ADME and in-life rodent PK 

Technology / Platform / Instruments




Cell & Gene Therapy



  • Shimadzu LC-20, LC-30
  • Shimadzu LC-FLD
  • Dionex RSLCnano 2D
  • Agilent 1290 Infinity II, 1260 Infinity II Bioinert
  • Agilent RapidFire System
  • EvoSep One: EV-1000
  • Acta FPLC with Fraction Collection


  • Sciex 7500 QQQ
  • Sciex 6500/6500+ QQQ
  • Sciex 5500/5500+ QQQ
  • Sciex 4000 Qtrap
  • Agilent 6495C QQQ
  • Agilent 8900 ICP-MS QQQ
  • Thermo Exploris 240
  • Thermo Q Exactive Plus
  • Shimadzu
  • Shimadzu LC-40 UHPLC


  • MSD SQ120 Plate Reader
  • Biotek Plate Readers
  • Gyros Lab (xPlore)
  • Quanterix Simoa HDX
  • Luminex Flexmap 3D
  • Nanodrop

Cell & Gene Therapy

  • Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 7 Flex/7 Pro RTPCR system
  • PCR Thermo Cycler


  • KingFisher magnetic bead processing system
  • Hamilton STAR Robotics
  • Agilent Bravo
  • Artel PCS (Pipette Cal System)
  • Omni Bead Ruptor 96 & Omni Bead Ruptor Elite

See Our Other Labs

Chongqing Lab

Sandwich Lab

Brisbane Lab

Fordham Lab (Bioanalytics)

Fordham Lab (Analytical Sciences)

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Zhiyang Zhao, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer

Zhiyang Zhao, Ph.D., serves as Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) at Resolian. Dr. Zhao has over 30 years of pharmaceutical industry experience with special focus on drug metabolism and bioanalysis of small and large molecules in drug discovery and development. Dr. Zhao has previously held positions at Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Amgen. Before joining Resolian in 2015, Dr. Zhao served as Site Director of Preclinical Research at Amgen in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for over a decade. 

Currently, Dr. Zhao serves as an Adjunct Professor at the Eshelman School of Pharmacy of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and as Editor-in-Chief of Drug Metabolism & Bioanalysis Letters, a journal by Bentham Science, which publishes in all areas of drug metabolism and bioanalysis. Dr. Zhao received his Ph.D. degree in Medicinal Chemistry from Virginia Polytechnic and State University (popularly known as Virginia Tech) in Blacksburg, Virginia. 

Patrick Bennett

Chief Executive Officer

Patrick Bennett has over 35 years of experience in pharmaceutical analysis and laboratory management. Now CEO at Resolian, Patrick’s experience includes the roles of Strategic Marketing Director for Pharma with Thermo Fisher Scientific, LabCorp, and Vice President of Strategy and Development with PPD. 

Patrick earned a B.S. degree in Toxicology and a M.S. degree in Pharmacology from the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health at St. John’s University and an M.B.A in International Marketing from the Martin J. Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University.